SWWOMEN’s Retreat 2023 Reflections

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” 

Romans 1:16 (ESV)

A few weeks ago, we gathered together for the SWWOMEN’s Retreat and the title was “Unashamed: Living as Ambassadors for Christ.” It was an amazing weekend full of spending time with one another, learning more about how much God loves us, and being filled up spiritually and relationally. 

Dawna Stutzman started the weekend by reminding us that as women we are not alone. We are sisters because of something even stronger than our shared interests, commonalities, or even our very DNA–we are bound together by the shed blood of Jesus. That was something my soul definitely needed to hear, and I know many others did as well.

Before we went home on Friday night, Dawna challenged us to ponder the following questions: “Am I ashamed of the Gospel? Am I ashamed to be called a Christian?”

Maybe you wanted to immediately answer “of course I’m not ashamed” but what about when you look at all aspects of your life:

  • What about when your coworker asks you a tough question, and if you answered it honestly, you might be shunned by the people you work with?

  • What about when something terrible happens to you, or someone you love, and you’re forced to ask yourself if you are willing to trust God in the midst of it?

  • What about when you’re put in a situation where you have to choose between the right thing to do and what your feelings tell you that you want to do?

One of the powerful passages we looked at was the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These were 3 men who refused to be ashamed or give up their convictions even though it would cost them their lives. 

“Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Daniel 3:16-18 (NIV; emphasis mine)

They trusted that God could do it and would still trust Him even if He didn’t. Dawna reminded us that we serve the same God that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did, and that we can trust Him in the most difficult seasons of our lives. And just like with Nebuchadnezzar's response to their faith, our faith can inspire others to believe in God too.

Not only can we fully trust God, but we also know that He loves us unconditionally and will never leave us or forsake us.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 (ESV)

What a beautiful reminder it was that there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from the love of God! Not anxiety, depression, worry, fear-nothing.

One of the discussion group questions was to share how we can show love to one another. Some of the things that were shared in my group were the following:

  • Write an encouraging note

  • Send a text (or call) to let someone know you’re thinking of them 

  • Make them a meal or treat 

  • Spend time with them even if it’s going grocery shopping, running errands, etc.

  • Put together a gift basket of things they love

Loving others doesn’t have to be a grand gesture–it can be incorporating something you already enjoy doing. For example, if you really enjoy knitting in your free time, you could knit a baby blanket for a new mom or find someone who likes to knit and invite them over to do it with you!

A very moving part of the weekend were the testimonies by Leslie and Christine. Both women shared their vulnerable, honest, and inspiring stories. 


Leslie grew up attending SWBIBLE and went to SW Christian School. Leslie opened up about the hardship of anxiety and OCD while she was growing up. She shared with us how God has always been with her and how she found joy in Jesus in the midst of a hard trial. Despite her hardships, Leslie was obedient to the Lord in telling others about the freedom and love she has found in Jesus. 

Leslie read the passage in the Bible where Jesus prayed before going to the cross and said, “If you are willing, remove this cup from me.” But Jesus ultimately submitted to the Father’s will. This reminds me of exactly what the Daniel passage is talking about above– that even if God can, it doesn’t mean He will. But we can still trust that He knows best.


Christine has attended SWBIBLE for 6 years. She worked and lived in Pakistan for 9 years as a school secretary where she was able to share the love of Jesus with her students. In her testimony, she shared about choosing joy, what it means to surrender, and the power of forgiveness–even when it seems impossible. She spoke about her 19 (wow!) “I will commitments” that she recites every morning before she starts her day. Some of the ones she shared are:

  • I will love unconditionally (John 15:12)

  • I will forgive anyone of anything (Matthew 6:15)

  • I will not worry (Philippians 4:6)

She mentioned that people have asked her how she is so joyful, and she would respond, “I’m trusting Jesus to be my joy.”

The SWWOMEN’s Retreat was exactly what so many of us needed during the season of life we are each in. I know it was covered in prayer and the sense of community and sisterhood felt throughout the weekend was amazing. Whether you have attended SWBIBLE for years, are new, or the Retreat was your first time walking through the doors–you are welcome and you are loved.

A special thank you to all the women who made the retreat possible:

Our Retreat Speaker: Dawna Stutzman

Emcee: Stephanie Gacinya

Women’s Ministry Director: Bincy Abraham

Women’s Ministry Assistant: Debbie Eaton

Retreat Coordinators:  Lisa Baker & Claire Havener

Worship: Tennille Hostetler & team

Special Music: Georgene Rice & Dawna Stutzman 

Hospitality: Susan Elliott, Linda Williams & team

Food: Jenny Dill & team

Prayer: Brenda Kephart & team

Activities: Abby Edwards, Anna Williams & team

Decor: Tori Baker & team

Makayla Weaver

Makayla came to SWBIBLE in 2011 when her father, Gary Dozier, became a pastor there. She has been involved in various ministries at the church over the years and is passionate about loving people and following Jesus. In September 2020, Makayla married her high school sweetheart, Tony Weaver. She currently works in healthcare as a Medical Assistant and loves writing, dogs, and lots of coffee.


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